Welcome to Behind the Pen where Maya’s Bookshelves dives deeper into the writer behind the story. For this interview, we have Ophelia Reign who I am so excited to conduct this interview with!
Your Journey to Becoming an Author
Can you introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello! I’m Ophelia Reign, 28, mom of two from Boston MA!
What first drew you to writing as a craft?
This is going to sound so cliche, but I have been writing since before I can remember? First it started out as me writing short stories on anything I can get my hands on, mostly note cards. Then I would get notebooks from my teachers and wrote HP Fanfics that then progressed me to become an avid Wattpad writer.

How did your author journey begin?
Honestly I have no idea! One day my friend was like you need to do this, your stories are so good and i think people would genuinely enjoy them. I attempted to do this last year but I had so much self doubt. My stories are dark, and I convinced myself that no one would read anything I wrote.
Are there any authors or books that inspired you or significantly influenced the way you write?
I wish I could answer this with some non-cliche answer but Tolkien.
The Hobbit was the first book I ever read, and I quickly submerged myself in this world of lore and myth. I love taking bits of myths and history and entwining it with my own personal experiences so when I write I come from a place of understanding.

What was the most surprising part of your publishing experience?
Oh my gosh! Marketing is crazy. I have never been so glued to my phone before. I do not like it!
Where do you find is the best place for you to brainstorm your writing? Do you have a specific area in your house or a favorite cafe where you always end up writing the best?
If I tell you all of my stories start out as dreams would that be insane?
I have two children 7 and 3, so quiet time or the ability to maintain a quiet area is unheard of. All of my stories start out as a dream and sometimes when I wake up I remember so I just write down what happened and go from there.
Let’s Talk Recent Releases
Tell us a bit about your most recent release!
The Promise of Destruction and Chaos is the second and last installment of the Dark Witch series!

This book really means so much to me because some of the relationships here are based on my own relationship with my sister, family, and husband. It follows Sapphira where we left off in book one! Lots of twists and turns and this one!
In one sentence, could you summarize the scene from your most recent release that you predict readers will love the most?
A man on his knees begging a woman to marry him
Where did you find the inspiration for this story?
This story is based on the relationship between Lucifer and Michael.
Sapphira would be Lucifer, while Ivy is Michael. I’m not religious whatsoever but the premise of your parents turning siblings against each other is so consistent across generations and I feel as if this has happened in my real life.
I always find it interesting in how we deem things good or evil, right or wrong. That’s where all of this kind of stemmed from.
What’s Next for You?
Do you have any upcoming releases that readers should keep an eye out for?
Currently I am in the editing stage of another book coming out 12/31!
It’s a Salem witch trial/Dracula inspired story. It’s different from what I typically write since it’s not in a fantasy setting. It follows a plus size, black FMC and a 500 year old Vampire in Boston!

I am also working on some PR boxes for another release in February!
Can you tell us about a scene you’re most excited to write in the future?
What a fun question!
I love writing slow burn angst! Foreplay is my strong suit and I am trying to incorporate that into my writing a bit more. If you read TPORAH there was minimal spice because I wrote it to fit the story but in TPODAC there is a lot more.
More About You
If you could describe your writing in three words, what would they be?

Angsty, Dark, Thrilling!
Where can readers find more information about you? Leave your links below!
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/opheliareigns/
My website: https://ophelia-reign.square.site/
Amazon Author Profile: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ophelia-Reign/author/B0D77YZPCZ?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Final Remarks
I want to give a huge thank you to Ophelia for joining me for this interview. It’s always so much fun getting to know new authors and spreading the word about their works of art!
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