When I tell you this book had me in its grasp for two whole days and I couldn’t put it down, you know I’m not lying. Oh my god. If you follow me on Twitter you know I was SCREAMING throughout pretty much this entire book and was making my own theories as Pip continued her case.
Andie Bell went missing 5 years ago, her boyfriend allegedly murdering her within the hours of 10:40 and 12:45 on a Friday night.

The case has been a mystery to the town of Fairview and Pip has taken it upon herself to prove Sal, Andies boyfriend’s, innocence. The only problem? It could be dangerous.
With a potential killer on the loose and Pip determined to find the truth about what really happened that night, Ravi Singh, Sal’s brother, joins in on the case to prove that his brother wasn’t the murderer everyone says he was.

Pip was charismatic, determined and kind of hilarious. I loved her motivation. She quite literally was a “good girl” LOL. Her pure will to solve this case and uncover the truth made her such a likable character and I felt like I could genuinely relate to her.
“I’ve already learned my lesson here: when you catch someone lying about a murdered girl, you go ask them why.”
Ravi is my newest obsession. He was hilarious and adorable and I love him. Seriously.
“We’re a team, remember. You and me.”
The truth – you best believe I never expected it.
“And in the dead silence of the night, Pip whispered, “Who’s taking the picture?”
I LOVE small town murder mysteries oh my god. It was the perfect place for the murder to take place, everyone knew everyone and it was almost like everyone’s fingers were pointing at each other like the Spiderman meme.

My first Holly Jackson and I adore the writing style. It was fast paced and got my sucked in so freaking fast. I loved the short chapters and how easy it was to read. I felt myself reading super fast because I just wanted more more more. Also can we talk about the creativity? I NEVER expected that outcome.
In conclusion…
This was probably one of the best books I’ve ever read. I’ve never read something so carefully thought out. The littlest details would jump out at me like a quarter of the book later. It was incredible and I can’t wait to read more!
Rating: 5/5⭐️
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