Okay so it’s about 2am and I’m bawling my eyes out at this ending and begging Holly Jackson for a fourth book because this trilogy CANNOT and WILL NOT end this way and I refuse to accept this. The utter pain and emotional damage is have suffered from this book is unimaginable and I need more, this ending is killing me.
Pip is still broken over her last case where Jamie Reynolds went missing and Stanley’s blood was all over her hands, so when she starts getting creepy messages from a Stalker, she takes it as her opportunity to fix herself and get back into a case.

The Stalker starts to use an MO similar to a serial killer that’s been behind bars for years, so when Pip begins to do some research and realizes that not everything is as black and white as it seems, she knows that she’s investigating not only her Stalker, but the killer of five girls murdered with duct tape and strangling.
As the final secrets of Fairview unravel, Pip is put in the worst spot possible and has to do everything she can to avoid the repercussions that come with her actions.
“Written on the sidewalk on my running route. ‘Dead Girl Walking.’ ”

At the beginning of this book I was really worried that I’d never get Pip back. The usual Pip, the one who knows everything and is witty and funny and doesn’t take life too seriously. The Pip who started out her senior capstone project by investigating a murder and proving an alleged killers innocence. Well, lucky for me, I got a different kind of Pip. A harsher, and more thought out kind of Pip. A girl who’s been caught in too many traumatic situations for her own good. And I truly can say that I relate to her, maybe not on the same level, but I understand why she did what she did and I love her for it.
“You’re Pippa Fricking Fitz-Amo-bi. My little Sarge. Pippus Maximus, and there’s nothing you can’t do.”
Ravi as usual was a delight to be with. He’s the witty love interest and the comedic relief. He’s adorable and funny and I love every second of being with him.
Pip and Ravi’s relationship really had me adoring this book. I love that they’re always there for each other and would do anything, and I mean anything, for each other. It’s an unbreakable bond.
“She wanted to go back. SHe wanted to run to him, fall into him, be Team Ravi and Pip and nothing more. Tell him she loved him in all the secret ways they had, hear him speak all those names he had for her in his butter-soft voice.”

I won’t spoil anything, but the ending of this book just has me bawling while I think about Pip and Ravi. I truly can’t take this and I need an entire book dedicated just to them and their relationship.
“Hey Sarge, remember me?”
Back again in Fairview, the small town has me questioning every single little detail. I love that this is a small town mystery book and I feel like each book is getting me closer and closer to finally ridding this town of all of its secrets. At the same time, I also feel like there’s so much more to uncover.
God, the writing in this book was so easy to read that I got completely sucked in. I only meant to read a few chapters and now here we are, completely in awe, Pip and Ravi the only things on my mind. I love Jackson’s writing style. I love the short chapters and the way it keeps me in suspense the entire book.

In conclusion…
If this review hasn’t convinced you to pick up the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder trilogy then shoot me a dm or an email and I’ll happily spend hours convincing you using the murder board I’ve been creating in my head as each of these books continues. Seriously. This is probably one of my favorite trilogies and I’ll definitely be checking out more of Jackson’s books!
Rating: 5/5⭐️
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