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Authors That I Want to Read More of This Year

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve done some sort of check-in post but here we are, March 2025 and somehow this year is slipping through my fingers (*cue ABBA*). I’ve spent the majority of this year growing on Bookstagram, and let me tell you – I’ve never been so obsessed with the feeling of connecting with authors. Since joining Instagram to make bookish content, I had no idea how many opportunities I’d receive as a reader to connect with authors and support them. I’ve had the chance to join street teams that I’m so incredibly passionate about to support these beautiful works of art. I’ve been able to Beta and ARC read tons of amazing stories that I’ve been sucked into. 

Yet, along with all of the high’s of being a bookish content creator, I haven’t had the chance to get to reading quite a few authors’ stories that I’ve interacted with. So here’s my official list of authors that I love and adore from my interactions with them and their books that I want to get to sometime during 2025!

  1. Alex Micati – Capital Murders

Alex has been one of the most supportive presences for me when it comes to my content creation. Every thread I post, he’s commenting and sharing my work! I’ve been lucky enough to create a few posts for his books (you can check them out here) and I’d love to actually get around to reading them and support him back!

Capital Murders is a book that particularly intrigued me since it takes place in Canada and a murder mystery which I always adore reading! It’s about a member of Canadian politics being found dead and a detective who seems to play by his own rules. He has to solve the murder while also considering which rules of the world he’ll abide by to get there. It sounds incredibly cool and I can’t wait to check it out – it’s on Kindle Unlimited if you’re interested!

  1. Rhea Harp – Darkest Appetite

You guys already know I’m obsessed with Rhea. She’s such a lovely person and when I’m popping into her DMs to scream about her books (you should check them out here btw), she’s always responding by screaming back at me LOL. Rhea is one of those authors that I’d been following for a while and when I did eventually reach out to her, she allowed me to join her street team and oh my god – I’ve met some AMAZING people through this team!

Darkest Appetite is her newest book that she’s in the process of writing and every teaser I see is mouth-watering. I devoured Under His Command & Under His Wrath so I just know Darkest Appetite is going to be delicious.  

  1. Ophelia Reign – Eternal Echoes

Ophelia is one of those authors that has such a presence on social media. She’s constantly posting memes that make me laugh out loud and her personality is infectious! 

I read To Be Saved as a Beta read a few months ago and I absolutely adored it. I fell in love with Ophelia’s writing style and the flow of her words. Eternal Echoes is more of a supernatural type of story and I know that on a rainy day, I’m going to be in such a good mood to curl up with this book! It sounds amazing and all of the art that Ophelia is commissioning is gorgeous!

  1. Pandora Cress – Masked Darling

Pandora, my queen, is an author I’m working closely with on social media! She’s graciously hired me as her PA and I adore making content for her books. I fell in love with Pandora’s writing through an ARC of Serpent Darling, a friends-to-lovers romance and since then I’ve been obsessed with her writing style. Scaredy Cat, a Halloween novella, had me wrapped around its finger! I remember reading it and screaming to Pandora in her DMs LOL. Same goes for I Had An Inkling and most recently, the Beta of Masked Darling which is AMAZING. I can’t wait for you guys to get your hands on this book, you’re going to eat it up. 

I hope this post gives you some recommendations for some super cool authors and their books! Leave me a comment if you check them out :) 

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