With November and December hitting us with full force, I’m doing everything I can for this final sprint of reading for the year! My reading goal started out very ambitiously, and I had 100 books on my list to get through, but let’s be honest, life happens, things get busy. So, now, halfway through November, I’ve gotten through 58.
I want to be honest and totally transparent and say that I am a little disappointed in myself – and that’s okay! Last year I was able to get through 120+, but this year things happened, life got in the way, and I’m a second year psych student. Realistically, I couldn’t have completed 100 and kept on top of everything else. So of course, my disappointment fizzled out pretty quickly, and I’m very proud of myself for getting through 58 (so far), because, wow. 58 books? And it’s only November! Look at me go!
Anyways, as a huge PSA, YOU’RE DOING GREAT! Reading goals are for you, seriously, nobody else. And it’s supposed to be fun! Why take the fun out of it just to show off a huge number? Yeah, no, I’m good. I’ll take enjoying the book over that any day.
Regardless of all of this, I’ve still got about a million and one books on my TBR, which can be found on my goodreads profile here. I’ve tried my best to cut it down, but like any other reader, the list grows with each new bookstore visit (which happens way too often than I’d like to admit).
So, without further ado:
My November and December 2022 TBR

This book is my current read, and was actually a birthday gift from my lovely friend over on twitter (@LibraryJayy). I am completely and utterly spoiled from my friends on twitter, but this is a book I am especially excited for because it’s my first ever Emily Henry read!
This author has been unbelievably hyped up over on booktwt, booktok, and even bookstagram. I’ve always been in the dark about her writing style, but when Book Lovers came out, I definitely was interested!
Two chapters into Beach Read and I’m already kind of hooked. It’s the middle of exam season and I truly just want to spend all of my time in bed with my book, giving me all the sunny and summer feels of living by a beach with a book and a typewriter. I love the enemies to lovers, I love the hot and summery vibes, I love the comedy. I’m so freaking excited to continue this, but I’m definitely glad I picked it up for number 59 on my reading goal!

Okay, I’ve got to be honest. This trilogy has been on my TBR since 2020. It’s been hyped up and talked about CONSTANTLY, by every single bookish influencer I’ve ever seen or heard from. It’s supposed to be one of the best young adult fantasy trilogies out there. And that scares me a little! I’m worried I won’t like it, and I’m definitely going into it with huge expectations at this point. The judecardan fans are going to riot against me if I don’t enjoy this trilogy, but I truly am afraid of hating it and just being let down!
I also gave the Shatter Me series a shot this year, and I can happily say that nearly every book in the series got a five stars from me, but what if that’s a fluke? I’m all for trying it out, but I’m definitely afraid of hating judecardan and just not getting what everyone else does from it!
Regardless, I’m going to give it a shot. I’m doing it for all the judecardan and fota fans out there – you will get my review!

I NEED to read this series. Urgently. I want the references, the little side jokes. I want to know what’s going on! The edits for this series, are insane. I’m so excited for this trilogy, and there’s even a new book announced!!
The first book in this trilogy came out a little while ago, and recently, the entire trilogy has been blowing up on social media. The Jameson or Grayson debate is taking over my tiktok for you page and my twitter timeline, and I need to know who’s side I’m on.
What do you think?
Have you read any books on my TBR for these next two months, or are you in the dark like me? I’m so excited to get to these books and understand what the hype is all about!
Let me know what you think in the comments!
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