This book. Wow I officially dislike Adam.
The Story
From Adam’s POV, we see him say goodbye to James in Omega Point before the big battle and what he does when he figures out that Juliette has been captured.
The Characters
Since this novella revolved around Adam, I was excited to get his POV on a few things since I couldn’t really tell what was going on with him in the last book. But I have to say that I officially dislike his character.
I went into this book expecting him to be all caught up over Juliette and the breakup and how difficult his newfound power is and how the war sucks and everything. But what I came across was much worse.

Adam has given himself an entire ultimatum to choose between Juliette or James. But why? I have no idea. I don’t understand why the girl he loves and his little brother have to be in competition over his love. James will always be his priority and Juliette would 100% respect that, but Adam made decisions that were completely uncalled for, including seeming like he didn’t care about Juliette being captured.
Yes, as a ten year old, James needs stability in his life, but this is a situation in which Adam doesn’t have much control over, and if it’s between James and his stability or Juliettes life, I expected him to choose Juliette.
On another note, however, I adore Kenji. His one priority was keeping his family and friends safe and he was constantly pestering Adam about going after Juliette. The poor guy took the blame for everything and I adore him for it because despite Juliette nearly killing him a bunch of times, he so genuinely cares about her and wants what’s best for her. Their friendship is unbeatable in my book.
The Setting
The majority of the book takes place on the battlefield but we do get to revisit a familiar setting of Adam and James’ home! It was nice being back in the coziness of their house.
The Writing
I was hooked. I finished this in about half an hour and was growing increasingly madder at Adam throughout the entire book.
Final Thoughts
This is a must read to continue this series. The outlook on Adam and his POV is so necessary for understanding his character. He’s so not what I thought he was and I can’t even look at him the same.
Rating: 3.5/5⭐️
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