Not only did this book have me on the edge of my seat but I was left begging for more. I adore this duology so much and it’s easy-to-read writing style makes it so much better to fly through. After starting this book a few hours ago, I can easily tell you all that I’m obsessed with both Belle and Grayson and their story.
The story
Going into this book I knew that there would be a ton of groveling a lot to make up for. On Grayson’s end I could see the tension of being away from his mate taking a huge toll and coming down hard on him. On the other hand, Belle was discovering her independence and while she struggled to make her way, I love that she was making a place for herself. After everything that happened, both Belle and Grayson deserved happiness.

While the first portion of the book felt a little like it was dragging on, as soon as Greyson and Belle had their reunion I was fully hooked. These two couldn’t keep their hands off each other if they tried and the tension and chemistry from the first book immediately came back. I love the effects that they both have on each other, the mating bond taking precedence over their emotions and actions.
As the book progressed I couldn’t help but feel more tension rising. Not only were the two of them reunited but there was a prophecy to fulfill, and a mating bond to officially complete. I don’t think I’ve ever waited this long for a couple to finally officiate a mating bond. I felt myself yelling at the book countless times for Greyson to just tell Belle what was going on. Everything would be okay if they just communicated. But of course not, and chapters on top of chapters were filled with Belle begging for more and Greyson denying what he really wants.
On top of this, the entire Azazel storyline was incredibly interesting. I mean a big bad vampire trying to kill them and take back a throne? Awesome. All I can say is he deserved what he ended up with.
The characters
As I mentioned in my previous review of this series, Belle kind of annoys me due to her incessant crying. Don’t get me wrong, the girl’s been through hell and back, I totally get it, but I felt like every 2 sentences she was just sobbing. It was a wonder she could get any dialogue out. Despite this, her character becoming a badass by the end of the book had me adoring her. I am a little upset that the author decided that a human couldn’t be just as powerful, but I also get that it was super cool to give Belle some powers and make her Greysons equal.

Greyson on the other hand, I am obsessed. Not only is his uncontrollable need to keep Belle safe a huge green flag, but his every thought was to protect his mate and ensure she was okay. He constantly asked her permission for anything, he constantly ensured her safety. Let’s not even talk about the romance side of him.
I think one of my favorite characters (who’s surprised) is the comedic relief character, Kyle. He’s hilarious. Constantly getting on Greysons nerve but an amazing friend to Belle, I can’t help but adore Kyle. He’s never let Belle down and I have to admit that I’m so happy he’s apart of the book and keeping Greyson in check.
Overall thoughts
For the past two days this duology has been the only thing on my mind. I couldn’t get Belle and Greyson out of my head. I binged the first book in record time yesterday and did the same with this second book, and I’m so sad to see these characters go. I could go with another 10 books of these characters just living their lives and learning more about the supernatural world.
Ultimately, this series has opened my eyes to world of supernatural romance and I have to say that I’m incredibly intrigued to learn more. I’ll definitely be picking up something similar in the future, especially considering how binge-worthy these books are.
Rating: 5/5⭐️
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