Ah, December. Exam season, festivities, and coziness.
Finally, my first semester of university is over, which means I can launch back into my books without restraint! No more exams, no more classes, for a whole three weeks! Since I only have three weeks off before my winter semester begins, my TBR has been carefully planned to avoid missing any books that I recently haven’t had the time to read. So, without further ado, here is my December 2021 TBR!
Last Sacrifice Richelle Mead

This series has been a crazy rollercoaster and I’m so upset that I’m only halfway through the last book. I was binge-reading this series right before the semester started, but got caught up in schoolwork and exams, so I’m hoping to finish this one throughout the winter break!
Dune Frank Herbert
This one is for my dad. He is absolutely obsessed with this series and with the movie that has been recently released, I’m super excited to launch into the series and see what all the fuss is about! I did watch the movie before reading the book, however, I know I’m going to enjoy it just because of the hype surrounding it.
In A Holidaze Christina Lauren
This book is an every year kind of thing. I always read the book sitting in front of the fireplace, hot chocolate in my hand, and my cat on my lap and it’s a tradition that I’ve been looking forward to all year! The book is such a fun and easy romantic comedy that makes me laugh every time I read it. It instantly puts me in a good mood, and I think everyone needs that on Christmas Eve!
And that’s it! While the list is short for this month, I’m just excited to relax and finally have the time to read some of my favorite and most anticipated reads!
I hope this gives you some ideas for your December TBR, and I hope you all have a wonderful (and cozy) month. Happy reading, bookworms!!
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