New year!
Hi friends! Happy new year :)! I spent the previous night with my family watching the fireworks on TV and honestly had such a relaxing start to the new year. I feel like the new year comes with so many pressures to change and adapt, making new habits and unreasonably high expectations for your goals. I want to combat that this year, and I’m making goals that are pretty attainable. I want to say that this year I didn’t stress myself out with the whole “new year, new me” trends and actually worked slowly to maintain small goals that will benefit me in the long run. One of these goals: staying consistent with this blog.

I feel like the goal of maintaining my blog has been something I was struggling to work through over 2023. As much as I love writing articles, blog posts, and just sharing my random thoughts to the void of the internet, it’s also time consuming and difficult to maintain with the unreasonable workload I also get from uni.
One of the things that I’ve realized over the past year is that writing this blog is a hobby and it’s fun for me. I should be making time for things that relax me and things that make me happy and give me a break, and that’s another one of my goals for the new year.
So, based on that, hi, I’m Maya, if you’re new here welcome to all things soft, girlie, bookish, and nerdy. I’m excited to have you here! This year is going to be a fun one, so buckle up and get ready for my reading updates and anything I’m watching as well.
Currently reading
I’m currently on the second book of the Caraval series and it’s honestly pretty good. I feel like I preferred the first book, especially as Scarlett is a bit better of a narrator than Tella, but the series is definitely interesting. I’m excited to get to the Once Upon a Broken Heart series which is to be read after Caraval.
I also want to read the rest of the Crescent City series. I read the first one when it came out ages ago but I never got around to the second one and it’s supposed to be SO good. It’s also supposed to connect a bunch of the SJM worlds so I’m kinda interested to see how that plays out. The third one comes out sometime this month so I definitely want to catch up on my SJM worlds.
Currently watching
Guys, I’m hooked. I started Reign the other day and it’s so addicting? I’ve found that my attention span is really short so it’s kind of nice the seasons are short, and it’s also a bit of history, even if it is fiction. I’m also rewatching Doctor Who, probably for the millionth time but it can never get old in my opinion. It’s just so iconic and comforting!
Welcome to a new year of reading updates and blog posts. I’m excited to get into this year and have a bit of a fresh start! Time for a yearly reset.
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