Ugh, I know. I hate it too, but whatcha gonna do? My psych textbook is currently carrying me through these next few weeks of exams, lectures, and overscheduled events. My calendar is overflowing, my brain is broken, and my heart is in a fictional place.
While I absolutely love the idea of romanticizing everything about exam season, sometimes you just can’t! I’ve recently been trying to get my brain into romanticizing mode to make this season easier, but of course, it’s tired and full of random knowledge about Pavlov’s dog. I’ve been trying my best to focus on school and only school these past few weeks, (hence my midterm blog post), but at the same time, all I want to do is get my hands on a book!
What I’ve been reading
I’ve been waiting to get into King of Patriam, the third book in the Queen of the Dome series. I binge-read the first two books over my reading week before I realized just how behind in my classwork I was, and now my heart is begging me to find the time to read about Cassian and Salem. I can’t believe the second book’s ending and cliffhanger. Seriously! I can’t believe I haven’t just given in and read it yet. Maybe tonight I

I’ve also been trying (very hard) to get through Dune and Good Omens. Both books have super slow beginnings and it’s a STRUGGLE. I’m listening to Dune through an audiobook but even the person speaking sounds tired lol so it makes it so much harder to get through. The story is amazing though and I know it’s good based on the movie.
Good Omens is one of those books that’s been on my TBR for SO LONG. Like I’m talking years and years. When my university book club decided to pick it for the October read I was so freaking excited, but then I realized that this is the busiest month for me and of course, I’d never get around to reading a single page. I’m genuinely so excited to get into it, but again, slow beginnings kill me and make me want to give up, so I’m hoping I can keep my attention in check long enough for me to get through the first few chapters and into the story properly.
Despite midterm season taking over my life, I’ve been super active on my bookstagram which is super weird of me. I’m never usually active but I’ve just been needing to go on as a little self-care break, so if you’re interested in checking that out then I’ve linked it above!
What I’ve been listening to
I’ve also been super into YouTube recently? I’ve never been a huge YouTube person but I’ve become obsessed with having little videos on in the background while I do things around the house. It’s nice to have someone doing things with me sometimes. I’ve been watching lots of fall and cozy vibe vlogs which is super fun and cute. It’s such a great season for drinking a cup of tea and putting on some YouTube!

I’ve also been listening to some super cozy music from my October playlist on Spotify! Making Spotify playlists is super fun to do when the new seasons roll around and I love having a soundtrack for my life at that given time. It’s also so great to look back on these playlists and see what I was listening to at that time!
What I’ve been sipping on
You know I’ve currently got the Earl Grey tea going strong but I’ve also been loving the new holiday drinks. I picked up a pumpkin spiced coffee creamer this morning which I’m now absolutely obsessed with. I’ve been making a lot of coffee at home to take with me to class which is super fun and I feel like a little barista, mixing all my potions in my cup!
Have a good week!
Anyway, other than that I’ve been cramming information into my brain like a psycho during exam week so if you’re waiting on me for book content, gimme a few weeks and I’ll be there! I can’t wait for this season of busyness to be over. While I love having things to do that keep me busy, it can get overwhelming sometimes when there’s no brain break involved, so I’m excited to get back into a regular routine without the exams!
Hope your week goes well, bookworms!
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