Currently sitting here at two in the morning in complete shock that I don’t have any more hockey boy content from Elle Kennedy. The off campus series comes to a close with this incredible book and I have to say, I really really enjoyed this one.
Going into The Goal, I didn’t have high expectations. Tucker was a character I didn’t know if I’d enjoy, Sabrina didn’t seem like my kind of girl, and I hate accidental pregnancy tropes.

Despite all of that, Tucker surprised me with how appealing he was as a male character, Sabrina was a character that I found myself relating to on multiple parts of the book, and the accidental pregnancy only added to the romance!
The southern hockey boy
Tucker caught me completely off guard. I feel like I never caught enough of him during the previous books in the series and so I didn’t know if I’d like him as a love interest or as a male lead, but he was so sweet and so gentlemen like that I couldn’t not love him. He was such a decent guy and stuck to his morals and values. I also found myself admiring his strength throughout the entire book. His patients when it came to Sabrina and the decisions that they were making is something that definitely isn’t easy and his strength was something that continued steadily throughout the story, only making me like him way more.
The lawyer-in-the-making

Sabrina was like a shock to my system. Coming straight out of a Dean and Allie story, I didn’t have high hopes for her. Dean absolutely hated Sabrina, and so I went in with that mindset too, but to say I was surprised is an understatement.
I saw so much of myself in Sabrina throughout the book. Her motivation and strength while living in an environment that is so incredibly toxic is something I found myself admiring and also relating to. Her life goals were to get herself to a point where she wouldn’t be concerned about money and where she could live without fear of something happening to her. Her home life was incredibly difficult and toxic to the point where she could have been physically harmed multiple times throughout her time living there. She also had no support system whatsoever within the house.

Sabrina showed me exactly what life should be like. She’s bettering herself and focusing on working on herself with a complete disregard for others. She’s sticking to herself and her own business. She’s one of those most healthy and likable characters that I know and I’d love to see more of her.
The baby incident
“My goal, once upon a time, was to succeed. I didn’t realize that success wasn’t grades or scholarships or achievements, but the people I was lucky enough to have in my life.”

Now, like I said, accidental pregnancies are just not my thing, but this one wasn’t too bad. The relationship between Sabrina and Tuck was already forming which I really liked. I mean before the entire pregnancy thing happened, they were genuinely forming a bond and a relationship with each other. So in my eyes, the baby didn’t change much except launch them into a much later stage of their already forming situation.
The final off campus goodbye

This series has been such a journey and as someone who was never into hockey or sports romances, it’s definitely opened my eyes to try this new subgenre of romances. I loved every second of being with the off campus boys and their girls.
Rating: 4/5⭐️
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