Hey google, play “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince” by Taylor Swift
Well, it’s been a long time coming but… my obsession with Archie Renaux has reached new heights. Since Shadow & Bone came out I’ve been obsessed with this man, The Other Zoey only added to the fire and with his new movie on Prime Video, Upgraded has solidified it.
This was such a cute little romcom. I feel like Prime Video has done a really good job lately with their romantic comedies, especially by casting certain actors. I mean, Camila Mendes was PERFECT for this role. And Marisa Tomei? Can you get someone better for the role of the art director? She’s basically channeling her inner Meryl Streep from Devil Wears Prada and I am LOVING it.
The story
While the story is definitely super predictable, it’s nothing if not fun. It’s obvious what’s going to happen and how the movie will play out and how she’ll end up super successful with her own art gallery and she’ll end up with the love interest, but the journey was still super duper cute. I love a good meet-cute and this was absolutely perfect before Valentines Day!

Ana is involved in a training program for an auction house. She’s invited to become an art directors third assistant on a trip to London and happily obliges, believing that its her big break in her career. Luckily for her, she’s been upgraded to first class, and even luckier? Will Delaroche is sitting next to her on the plane.
Ana gets stuck in a sticky situation where she’s lying about being the art director of an auction house, auctioning art for Will’s family while simultaneously falling for him.
Camila Mendes
This girl is doing well. I have to admit, I didn’t have my expectations set super high. I watched the first season or two of Riverdale back when it was HUGE, and I just didn’t really enjoy her or her acting. Maybe it was the plot but Riverdale gave her a reputation of being one of those Netflix actors that can only act in Netflix Original mini-series.
This movie put my brain in a spin based on this. I feel like she portrayed her character really well and pulled out a boss bitch attitude that I love! She’s known for that bad bitch energy and it was fun to see her throw that energy in a new way onto our screens.
Rivaling Anne Hathaway’s performance of Andi in Devil Wears Prada, Ana is ambitious and is striving for what she wants while crashing on her sister’s futon. She’s an expert in fine art and this comes to play when meeting famous artists on her trip to London.
Archie Renaux
This man can do no wrong. Believe me when I say that I watched this movie for more Archie Renaux content and Archie Renaux content only. I feel like his development as an actor is so incredible. Seeing him in Shadow & Bone season 1 was exciting, but not super mind blowing. He was definitely learning how to keep an audience on their toes and keep them coming back for more. After season 2 I loved him and his acting. I had previously read the Shadow & Bone books and his ability to make Mal – a character that I didn’t really like in the books – a genuinely enjoyable character throughout the show was amazing.
From this, his development in The Other Zoey had me thoroughly enjoying his characters and involvement in the story. Not only was he portrayed in a more exciting and romantic light but he was seen as someone intellectually intelligent, something that Mal failed to provide. This movie solidified my enjoyment of his acting, especially with his small quirks and the banter between the two characters. There was such a playful element to his character that almost made the more serious times very lighthearted and easy to watch, which is exactly what I needed from a romcom.
Do I recommend?
If you’re looking for a quick and easy romcom, this is right up your alley! It’s a short movie with 1 hour and about 40 minutes or so, but it’ll keep you fully interested! It’s funny, cute, and romantic, perfect for this valentine’s season!
Rating: 4/5⭐️
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