Happy weekend!!! I’ve been so completely swamped with midterms and university studying that the weekend rolling around gives me the nicest and most relaxing break. As most of you probably know, with all of the university work I’ve been doing and the biggest slump ever, I’ve had zero motivation to read anything at all, which not only sucks, but makes me feel so down. Reading isn’t just my hobby, it’s my escape, and being weighed down by all of the exams going on in my life requires me to have a bit of a break sometimes, which I’ve been struggling to do since I’m in this huge slump. Or, I was in a huge slump.

At the beginning of this week I started reading Furyborn, a book that’s been on my TBR since the beginning of the pandemic. I had heard so many amazing things about this trilogy, and don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they’re right. I got about thirty percent through before wanting to throw the book at the wall. The changing perspectives were bugging me, the lack of explanation was bugging me, the second perspective was bugging me. It was just a major struggle to even try and continue, and while I was enjoying one of the perspectives a lot, it just didn’t make sense for me to push myself through this book while being so incredibly bored while reading it. I had promised myself at the beginning of the year that I’d make reading fun again, and not push myself when I’m not feeling a certain read. This was one of those cases and while I’m definitely going to go back to it and try again, it just wasn’t right for the time.
Haunting Adeline
On Thursday night I picked up Haunting Adeline. This book…I don’t really know where to even begin. I feel like I need an entirely separate post just explaining the many, many feelings and emotions that this book has been putting me through. Now listen, I’m eighty-eight percent through the book now and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I sat down expecting this book to be another casual dark romance, a quick read to get me back into the groove of reading again. Boy was I wrong.

Haunting Adeline had me shaking in my boots. The first half of the book was like “oh my god I’m going to be murdered by this dude” and the second half has me swooning but still scared? I have no idea what’s going through my head right now, but this book is giving me whiplash. I feel like I turn my head and all of a sudden I’m feeling a completely different thing about these main characters. I don’t want to spoil anything – I’ll save it for my review – but if you’re into dark romance and are looking for a book to get you out of a slump? PICK THIS UP!!!
Also, I don’t even think that this book can be classified as just dark romance. It’s more thriller + dark romance, so be aware of that going into it. I haven’t really read a thriller before. I’m a romance and fantasy girly, and the only times I’ve strayed from that is the odd Agatha Christie murder mystery (which is incredibly tame in most cases), and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series in which I was honestly pretty scared by the last book.
I have no clue what possessed me to pick up this book (probably because of my lack of awareness of the content included), but it’s so good and I can’t stop. My life is currently revolving around Adeline and her story, the characters in the book, and this addicting plotline where I’m sitting in bed shaking scared but also reading so fast that my eyes hurt.
Current thoughts
If you’ve been checking my goodreads, you’ll see my reading updates:
And you’ll know that I’m either freaking out scared, swooning over this really interestingly different relationship, or obsessing over the plot and fitting the puzzle pieces together.
This weekend
I’m going to be binging this duet for pretty much the rest of the weekend. I have one more midterm left before my reading week (thank goodness), so in between studying, my kindle will be glued to my hand!
Have you read this duet? What’s your current read?
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