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A Court of Silver Flames – Sarah J. Maas

Okay I have a ton of thoughts, theories and questions regarding this book. I spent the time this past month rereading the original trilogy and the A Court of Frost and Starlight novella, so I was so ready to get into this one and let me tell you, it was so worth it.

GENES – Mary Ting

Where do I even begin? This series has been incredible, to say the least. I finished the first two books in a few hours and this one was no exception. It was spectacular and captivating and I couldn’t take my eyes off the pages. I can’t even tell you which one was my favorite out of the three so far, they were all so amazing.

HELIX – Mary Ting

This book was incredible. If you didn’t know already, I devoured the first book in the series (ISAN), and this time around, it was exactly the same way. I found myself addicted to the book and couldn’t stop reading, I finished it in a matter of hours!

ISAN – Mary Ting

This book was incredible. I have to say, I had no clue what to expect when starting it. It’s not a well known book, so I didn’t really have any expectations, however, this completely blew my mind. I finished it in a matter of days (pretty much one day), and couldn’t put it down. The story was captivating and addicting and I felt stuck in the pages of the book and completely in love with the characters.

Dark Harmony – Laura Thalassa

Similar to the other books in this series, I’m in awe and a little bit of shock. I can’t believe this series is now over. It seems like only a few days ago I was falling in love with Des and Callie and their complicated love story. The Thief was stealing soldiers still, and Callie was trapped in Karnon’s prison. It feels like we’ve come a long way from seeing Callies’ wings appear to now seeing her rule with Des by her side over the Kingdom of the Night.

The Emperor of Evening Stars – Laura Thalassa

This book was…wow. Seeing Des’ life story and how he came to be the infamous Bargainer was incredible to see. I loved seeing all of the events I’ve been wondering about unfold right in front of me, and it was so cool to see how he became who he is today.

A Strange Hymn – Laura Thalassa

I’m completely in shock. I can’t even process the way that this book went, and I have to say I LOVE that. This is a whole new level for this series and I’m loving how crazy it’s gotten! We’ve met a ton of new characters, we’ve seen our beloved ones grow, and we’ve learned a ton about the Otherworld.

Rhapsodic – Laura Thalassa

This book is one of my new favorites. Honestly, I don’t know how I went so long without reading this! If you’ve checked out my Twitter then you definitely saw how much I adored this book while reading it, and you know I’m giving it a 5-star review! The world-building, character development, and slow-burn tension were incredible.

In A Holidaze – Christina Lauren

This book was absolutely amazing for this time of the year. I had been struggling to get into the holiday/Christmas spirit because of all of the schoolwork that has been piling up, however, after reading this book, I’m ready for Christmas and a holiday like no other!

As Old As Time – Liz Braswell

Since I absolutely love fairytale retellings, this was a pretty exciting read for me. Liz Braswell told the story of Beauty and the Beast in a twisted, dark, and different way than the original fairytale that I really enjoyed. Definitely an interesting twist on an otherwise beautiful fairytale. Beauty and the Beast but darker, more haunting, and with cobwebs surrounding the castle! What if Belle’s mother was the enchantress that cursed the Beast?