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Book Reviews

Ashes of Aether – Holly Rose

I want to start by saying that this book is probably one of the best debuts that I have ever read. Holly Rose brings in magic, trauma, and loss, forming a story that is unforgettable.

Ruin and Rising – Leigh Bardugo

Okay, where do I even start? This was a complete roller coaster of a book and I honestly don’t know how to feel. Ruin and Rising is definitely my favorite of the three books in this series and I think it wraps everything up so well, although I’m definitely intrigued to read more stories taking place in this universe.

Siege and Storm – Leigh Bardugo

What a complete and utter roller coaster. I highly recommend reading this book in one sitting and getting emotionally attached to all the characters just to go through the book and its unreasonable range of emotional distress. Just kidding, it will probably hurt like it’s killing me right now.

Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer

Eclipse has always been my favorite Twilight movie. We finally see the love triangle between Edward, Bella, and Jacob, and the storyline really picks up. This book lived up to my expectations completely. I couldn’t put it down!

Instant Karma – Marissa Meyer

This was a fun book! I have to admit, after reading the entire grishaverse, I was in a bit of a slump, and this was such an easy read to get me out of it. While it did take me quite a while to get into this book, eventually I was sucked in and really enjoyed it!

The Lion and the Gods – S.H. Steele

I loved this final installment in the Lion’s Head series. Seeing River and Lacey’s story come to an end was so exciting and the intensity had me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book!

Black Rock – S.H. Steele

This is probably my favorite book in this series so far. It was so exciting and emotional and I couldn’t stop reading!