Sundays in Bed
Sundays in Bed With… Alex, Approximately
Happy Sunday! I’m currently reading Alex, Approximately and LOVING it!
Sundays in Bed With… The Secret History
Spending my mother’s day with my mother reading our book club book!
Sundays in Bed With… Happy Place
Now I have to admit, I am only a little way through the book. Pretty much at the beginning, but I just have zero motivation to read this.
Sundays in Bed With… Priest
My exams are finally, finally over and I’m free to do whatever I want. I love having the freedom to read whatever I want and actually explore my interests (instead of reading textbooks all the time).
Sundays in Bed With… The Seven Husband’s of Evelyn Hugo
Sundays in Bed With… The Seven Husband’s of Evelyn Hugo