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Six of Crows – Leigh Bardugo

This book was amazing. I honestly think it’s one of my new favorites. After finishing the Shadow and Bone trilogy, I was definitely curious to see how this spin-off duology would do, especially since I loved the trilogy so much.

Fictional Characters That Remind Me of Myself

Recently I’ve been reading and watching a lot of shows with inspirational women and women in power and I have to say, I love it. I feel so genuinely empowered as a woman, especially with my heritage represented too. There are so many female characters that are just so real and raw, and their feelings represent mine and inspire me to do my best too. I love reading books or watching shows that leave me thinking about them for weeks after, and a lot of these characters had me in a chokehold while I was with them.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – J.K. Rowling

I don’t even know where to start with this review other than saying I adored the book and everything that it was. This series has always given me a sense of home and I used to think that this part of the series wasn’t as important as the other books, however, it gives incredible insight into all of the characters and the entirety of the series!